Adult Education, Fall Sessions
With Classes Following Each Sunday Service
We meet in the Lounge. Each class is offered twice: first at 9:15am-10:15am, and again at noon-1pm.
Drop in at whichever time is most convenient for you.
Sept 8
“Lectio Divina”
Led by Craig Massie
Learn about this ancient practice of prayerful “divine reading.”
Sept 15
Ministry Fair, no adult education.
Sept 22
“Sacred Ground Introduction”
Facilitated by Fr. David
An introduction to the Church’s program addressing institutional racism, “Sacred Ground.”
Sept 29
End of Summer Barbecue, no adult education.
Oct 6
“An Introduction to Integral Christianity”
Facilitated by Bill Gazeley
An introduction to integral philosophy and it expression in Integral Christianity.
October 20
“An introduction to the Church Father Origen”
Led by Sheldon Greaves
Learn about the famous saint.
October 27 and Nov 3
“Paul and the Jews”
Facilitated by Craig Massie
Explore some of the implications of the “new perspective on Paul,” so termed by Bishop NT Wright, seeing Paul in his Jewish context.
November 10, 17
Facilitated by Fr David Marshall
Forgiveness makes room in our hearts for love, but forgiving is hard. We will start by talking about what forgiveness is, and what it is not. Then we will go on to look at how we do the work of forgiving, even when it is very hard.
Nov 24
“Up Ye Joyous, Raise Your Song”
Led by Zachary Duell and Michelle Cornwell
“Text, Music, and Theology of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Advent “Cantata Schwingt freudig euch empor” (Up ye joyous, raise your song), jointly offered by Zachary Duell and Michelle Cornwell. (This Cantata will be performed for Advent evensong on December 1.)
Dec 1
“Cyber Security”
Led by Sheldon Greaves
Understanding how to be safe online: tips and practices to stay safe.
Dec 8, 15
“Medieval Theater”
Facilitated by Lind Marie Zaerr and Charlotte Headrick
Learn how medieval drama forged bonds in communities, how humor deepened emotional response to spiritual truths, and how imagery from those plays can enrich our own understandings today.