Stations of the Cross
The Way of the Cross (also known as the Stations of the Cross) is a series of images that follow Jesus through the events surrounding his death.
They were originally inspired by the street in Old Jerusalem that Jesus walked to Mount Calvary. The name of the street is Via Dolorosa: the Way of Grief. There are 14 images on this journey, beginning with the death sentence from Pilate and ending with Jesus in the tomb.
At Good Sam, the Stations are located on the pillars that encircle our sanctuary. They were a gift to our church.
To pray the Stations, you visit the images one by one, pausing before each to contemplate, sing, do a reading, or offer a collect (a short liturgical prayer). In praying the Stations, we join with Jesus and his followers on a spiritual pilgrimage that brings us close to his death and all that it means.
During Holy Week, we meet to pray the Way of the Cross together.
You can also pray the Way of the Cross individually at any time of year. Look for the devotional books about the Stations at the back of our sanctuary; you’re welcome to use them if they’re helpful.
Spiritual Nurture
Stations of the Cross
Praying the Stations
Experience the stations of the cross in this online worship service, filmed on Good Friday of 2020.