About Good Sam

In our parish family, you’ll find a faith community that’s hospitable and open, where all are welcome

regardless of age, religious background, ethnicity, marital status, social or economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or political leanings.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you have a place here at God’s table.

We’re a multigenerational community of authentic, quirky people who are gentle, opinionated, curious and imperfect. We don’t agree on every issue, and we don’t all practice our faith in the same way.

Organ pipes in black and white with multicolor edge

We worship the Triune God in a variety of expressions, with and without words. We experience God’s beauty and power in liturgy, music, art, nature, action and silence.

We respect our traditions, strive for social justice, and seek to apply our faith principles to our changing world.

Book of Common Prayer in black and white with multicolor edge
Pews in black and white with multicolor edge

We recognize that the invitation to Christ’s table comes from our Lord himself, who practiced radical and inclusive hospitality.

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Our Wednesday email offers a short meditation from our rector, followed by announcements from parishioners.

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Pastoral care, music & concerts, family & youth, parish life, book groups, service opportunities, spiritual nurture — there are many ways to connect, give back, and be nourished at Good Sam.

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Come to a service

We offer an 8am service spoken in Elizabethan English, a 10:30am service with full choirs and organ, and a candlelit, meditative sung Compline at 7pm. We also stream on YouTube.

View the schedule of worship

You are welcome at Good Sam.