Adult Ed Sessions are Back!
Following Each Sunday Service
These sessions will be made twice each Sunday in the Bishop Katharine Lounge, first after the 8am service, then again after the 10:30am Eucharist.
Drop in at whichever time is most convenient for you.
Sunday, April 16
Open Q&A on the Hebrew Bible
With scholar-in-residence Dr. Sheldon Greaves
9am and 11:45am in the Lounge
Sundays: April 23, April 30, and May 7
Paul, The Apostle to the Gentiles
Facilitated by Craig Massie
9am and 11:45am in the Lounge
A study based on Gary Wills’ Book What Paul Meant, plus other Pauline scholarship of the last 70 years. You will see Paul in a new way after this class.
Sunday, May 14
Spiritual Companionship: What Is It? Is It for Me?
Facilitated by Cammie Bella
9am and 11:45am in the Lounge
Cammie Bella is a trained Spiritual Companion at the Benedictine Shalom Prayer Center in Mt Angel, Oregon.
Sunday, May 21
Jesus and the Pharisees
Facilitated by Bill Trudeau
9am and 11:45am in the Lounge
For so many reasons, Jesus and the Pharisees should have been allies. NT writers give them bad press, but deeper issues address the relationship of faith to belief.
Sunday, May 28
The structure of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament
Facilitated by Bill Gazeley
9am and 11:45am in the Lounge
Sunday, June 4
Integral Philosophy/Integral Christianity
Facilitated by Bill Gazeley
9am and 11:45am in the Lounge