Advent & Christmas Services
Join us for the celebration of the advent of Jesus Christ, with services and special events throughout the holiday season.
November 24
Stir-up Sunday
11:45am (Simpson Hall)
Enjoy making Christmas crafts and decorations to prepare your home and heart for Advent — for kids and all.
December 1
Advent Lessons & Carols
3pm Sundays@3 Concert Series (Sanctuary)
Celebrate the season with the traditional Anglican Lessons and Carols Service.
December 8
St Nicholas Day
11:45am (Simpson Hall)
St. Nicholas will visit Good Sam bringing gifts and good cheer. He’ll tell the children his story and help them fill stockings for the kids at Jackson Street Youth Shelter.
December 22
Greening of the Sanctuary
12pm (Sanctuary)
Join after Sunday coffee hour for this annual tradition. Garlands and swag construction require many nimble fingers and experienced persons to oversee the construction. If you do a good job, you may be fed. Music and conversation will fill the hall. It is truly a wonderful opportunity to come together and serve the church as community celebrating the coming of Christ.
December 24
Children’s Christmas Eve Pageant
5pm (Sanctuary)
One of the highlights of Christmas at Good Samaritan Church is our “all-may-join” Children’s Pageant on Christmas Eve. We provide costumes for children to choose from; they can be any character in the Christmas story they wish. There are no assigned parts or lines. We narrate the nativity story from the Gospel of Luke, and the children will be helped to enter at the right time. They conclude by gathering in the front and singing Away in a Manger.
Everyone is welcome to participate, so please invite your friends and family to join!
Christmas Eve Carols
8:30pm (Sanctuary)
Christmas Eve Candlelight Mass
9pm (Sanctuary)
December 25
Christmas Day
10am (Sanctuary)
Sung Eucharist with Christmas Carols.
January 5
Twelfth Night Medieval Play
3pm Sundays@3 Concert Series (Sanctuary)
Celebrate the 12th Night of Christmas with this performance of The Second Shepherd’s Pageant, a medieval mystery play.
Holiday Closures
The church office will be closed from December 24th through January 3rd.