Annual General Meeting
How Did It Go?
We had a nice crowd at our Annual General Meeting and potluck on January 29. Here are some key takeaways.
Your vestry welcomed five new members
Vestry sets the tone for how we organize ourselves at Good Sam and supports the efforts of committees and ministry groups. Vestry also cares for the maintenance and upkeep of our physical location, raises the money necessary for our various ministries, and oversees the life and mission of our church.
- Together with the rector, Vestry is responsible for the church’s financial and administrative operations
- Vestry works with rector, treasurer and ministry committees to coordinate the church’s ministries
- Members of the Vestry bring concerns and ideas from the congregation to the Vestry as a whole
Over the years, we’ve developed a system of devolved leadership at Good Sam. This is a grassroots organizational model, rather than a top-down or command and control model. Committees and ministry groups are encouraged to sustain ongoing ministries and to develop new programs as time and talent permit. With that in mind, the task of the vestry is to help and encourage these committees and groups and to provide guidance and material resources where appropriate.
Put another way, the vestry’s job is not primarily to come up with new ideas for programs or ministries, although they can do so. Rather, the work of the vestry is to support and nurture an empowered parish.
Thanks to Andrew Cornwell, Susan Jackson, Robin Powel, Cynthia Rodriguez, and Bill Trudeau for joining the vestry!
Transition process
The Rev. Christopher Craun gave us a cogent overview of the next steps in our transition from Father Simon’s leadership to that of a new leader. Rev. Chris+ (she, her) is the Missioner for Thriving Congregations at the Diocese of Oregon. Our transition process will be managed by your vestry and guided by expert help from the diocese. Check back for updates: we will keep you posted.
Navigating the budget deficit
Terri Homer, our finance manager, presented our budget for 2023-24. We are experiencing a large deficit. This is a cause not for panic, but certainly for prayerful concern. Your vestry is working with our new interim rector, the Rev. Dan Warren, on a year-round stewardship campaign that will be bigger and, yes, louder than it’s been in the past. Be ready for it!
Organ project complete!
Zachary Duell, our music director, reported on the successful completion of our organ—a process that’s been decades in the making. Even more remarkable, the whole project was covered by generous donations. The names of the dozens who gave were entered into a raffle for five of the old pipes (the smaller ones), beautifully crafted into trophy-sized sculptures.
The lucky winners were Susan Zaremba, Sarah Reichard, Michelle and Andrew Cornwell, Bill Becker, and Pam Mayfield. Pam declined, and the next name drawn was that of Cynthia and Cris Rodriguez. Congratulations all.
Interim rector soon to arrive
The Rev. Dan Warren, our interim rector, arrives on the first Sunday in Lent, February 26. Don’t miss his first day! Come to church at 8am or 10:30am, or livestream the 10:30am service on our YouTube channel.
Interested in joining the Profile Committee?
The Profile Committee will soon be appointed by the vestry. If you’re interested, please email senior warden Gail Wells or junior warden Melissa Bird.
Thank you to all who attended, in person or on Zoom. We look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.