Services from Lent through Holy Week
Join in services and special events from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Join in services and special events from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
View all of the services and special events scheduled throughout the holiday season, in preparation for the advent of Jesus Christ.
The Sunday before Halloween, we gathered for our annual Halloween Party. Treats, games, costumes, and (here) a few photos for your amusement.
On December 29th, 5-7pm, come to the Good Sam courtyard for a simple, festive celebration of the turning of the year. Dress warm!
Spooky organ music, costumes and treats: is there any better way to start the Sundays@3 concert series? Happening in the Sanctuary on October 29th at 3pm.
On Thursday, September 21, come to the church courtyard for a brief, contemplative, musical service in honor of World Peace Day.
On the Tuesday before Lent, Good Sam celebrates Shrove Tuesday with pancakes and a talent show. We call it The Follies. Get the highlights here.
Watch or re-watch this beautiful annual service of Lessons & Carols. Turn up the volume, and join your church in song!
Give any amount to the flower fund by December 12, and honor your loved ones with a poinsettia dedication in the Christmas bulletin.
In honor of St. Francis, come to the church parking lot on Sunday, October 10th for a blessing for your pets or just yourself.