Christian Apocrypha
A fascinating seminar on the many “lost Christianities” that left behind a large corpus of surprising, quirky, inscrutable, and delightful texts.
A fascinating seminar on the many “lost Christianities” that left behind a large corpus of surprising, quirky, inscrutable, and delightful texts.
A three-part seminar on the structure, history and relationships of the languages of the Bible. Join us!
On April 18th, the Guerrilla Scholars present a reader’s theatre program on the Medieval Cycle Play of Noah and the Flood.
Join us for a five-part seminar examining what the Hebrew tradition of Tzedakah is saying to our communities about action and charity in light of current policy issues.
This open-ended seminar is a weekly gathering of scholars and laypersons, conducting a long-term, in-depth study of the 400-year period “between the Testaments.”
A seminar on human consciousness; what we know, and what we don’t.