Ministry at Time of Death
If your loved one is nearing death, and you would like a visit with prayers for the dying and the anointing of holy oil, please contact Pat Wohlwend at 541-760-4133.
We will connect you with someone to visit your loved one 24/7, give the prayers and liturgy for the dying, anoint them with holy oil, and pray with you.
Pastoral Care
Minstry at Time of Death
Memorial Reception
If your loved one has passed, we’re here to meet with your family to discuss arrangements for the memorial reception.

We have a small columbarium in a garden in our courtyard, a quiet space that our church covenants to care for in perpetuity. If you’d like to reserve a niche, the first step would be to make an appointment with us and fill out the application forms. There is a one-time fee of $1,000 for parishioners to complete the reservation; for non-parishioners, the cost is $1,200.