Sunday Said Eucharist
Good Sam Chapel 333 NW 35th St, CorvallisA quiet service spoken in Elizabethan English (Rite I in the Book of Common Prayer). Afterward, come to Simpson Hall for coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.
Adult Ed: Paul and the Jews (Early)
Good Sam Church Lounge 333 NW 35th St, CorvallisExplore some of the implications of the "new perspective on Paul," so termed by Bishop NT Wright, seeing Paul in his Jewish context, facilitated by Craig Massie. Each adult ed class is offered twice: first at 9:15am-10:15am, and again at noon-1pm; drop in at whichever time is convenient for you.
Sunday Sung Eucharist
Good Sam Sanctuary 333 NW 35th St, CorvallisA traditional service accompanied by full choirs and organ. Click through to find out about Sunday School and other resources for young families. After the service, come to Simpson Hall for coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.
Adult Ed: Paul and the Jews (Noon)
Good Sam Church Lounge 333 NW 35th St, CorvallisExplore some of the implications of the "new perspective on Paul," so termed by Bishop NT Wright, seeing Paul in his Jewish context, facilitated by Craig Massie. Each adult ed class is offered twice: first at 9:15am-10:15am, and again at noon-1pm; drop in at whichever time is convenient for you.
Walk in Love Luncheon
Good Sam Fellowship Hall 333 NW 35th St, CorvallisThis luncheon will be a catered event with great food and a celebration of our congregation walking in love together.
Sung Compline
Good Sam Sanctuary 333 NW 35th St, CorvallisA unique offering in the state of Oregon, this contemplative, candlelit service offers a chance to pause against the backdrop of candlelight, Gregorian chant, polyphony, and other ancient music sung by the Good Sam Schola Cantorum.