Week of Events
Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast
Twice a month, on the second and fourth Tuesday, we meet in the Bishop Katharine Lounge to share a meal and discuss a topic. One person cooks. Someone else leads the discussion. Both roles rotate. The doors open for setup at 7am; newcomers are welcome to drop in any time.
ECW Planning Meeting
ECW Planning Meeting
Help plan activities and fundraising events at the next ECW business meeting. The ECW is a community organization within the Episcopal Church. Anyone can participate in ECW events.
Building & Grounds Planning Meeting
Building & Grounds Planning Meeting
This is a group of folks who get together to care for the church and keep the property in good shape. If you’re interested in learning about systems like irrigation, electrical, plumbing, structural, etc., this is a great place to learn.
Wednesday Scripture Study
Wednesday Scripture Study
Join on Wednesday mornings online for Lectio Divina, a contemplative study of next Sunday’s Gospel readings. Meditate on the readings ahead of time and enjoy a deeper connection with the liturgy during services.
Courtyard Labyrinth Walk
Courtyard Labyrinth Walk
All are welcome to come enjoy a guided labyrinth walk in the beautiful Good Sam Courtyard.
Scribes Open Writing Time
Scribes Open Writing Time
Would you like a dedicated time and space to focus on your writing? Come to Scribes on Fridays. Drop-ins and newcomers are welcome.
Sunday Said Eucharist
Sunday Said Eucharist
A quiet service spoken in Elizabethan English (Rite I in the Book of Common Prayer). Afterward, come to Simpson Hall for coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.
Sunday Sung Eucharist
Sunday Sung Eucharist
A traditional service accompanied by full choirs and organ. Click through to find out about Sunday School and other resources for young families. After the service, come to Simpson Hall for coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.