Week of Events
Wednesday Scripture Study
Wednesday Scripture Study
Join on Wednesday mornings online for Lectio Divina, a contemplative study of next Sunday’s Gospel readings. Meditate on the readings ahead of time and enjoy a deeper connection with the liturgy during services.
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer is a form of prayer and meditation that opens our hearts and minds to the presence and action of God within us. It includes a welcome, prayers, readings, some simple chants, a 25 minute session of Centering Prayer, and a closing prayer.
Sunday Said Eucharist
Sunday Said Eucharist
A quiet service spoken in Elizabethan English (Rite I in the Book of Common Prayer). Afterward, come to Simpson Hall for coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.
Adult Ed: Medieval Theater (Early)
Adult Ed: Medieval Theater (Early)
Learn how medieval drama forged bonds in communities, how humor deepened emotional response to spiritual truths, and how imagery from those plays can enrich our own understandings today. Facilitated by Lind Marie Zaerr and Charlotte Headrick. Each adult ed class is offered twice: first at 9:15am-10:15am, and again at noon-1pm; drop in at whichever time is convenient for you.
Sunday Sung Eucharist
Sunday Sung Eucharist
A traditional service accompanied by full choirs and organ. Click through to find out about Sunday School and other resources for young families. After the service, come to Simpson Hall for coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.
Adult Ed: Medieval Theater (Noon)
Adult Ed: Medieval Theater (Noon)
Learn how medieval drama forged bonds in communities, how humor deepened emotional response to spiritual truths, and how imagery from those plays can enrich our own understandings today. Facilitated by Lind Marie Zaerr and Charlotte Headrick. Each adult ed class is offered twice: first at 9:15am-10:15am, and again at noon-1pm; drop in at whichever time is convenient for you.
Sung Compline
Sung Compline
A unique offering in the state of Oregon, this contemplative, candlelit service offers a chance to pause against the backdrop of candlelight, Gregorian chant, polyphony, and other ancient music sung by the Good Sam Schola Cantorum.