Family Bingo Night
A Benefit for the Malala Fund
The Outreach and Social Justice committee is hosting a Bingo Night in support of the Malala Fund, which helps girls in the developing world get an education.
Buy some cards, play Bingo, win a prize, and make a difference! All proceeds go directly to Malala.
Saturday, July 14
7pm in Simpson Hall
$5 for 3 Bingo cards
Why Play Bingo for Education?
We chose Bingo because it has:
- Numbers and letters (B24)
- Spelling (B-I-N-G-O)
- Geometry (squares and diagonals)
- Music (” … and BINGO was his name-o!”)
What’s really striking about Bingo, though, is that there are many intelligent girls in the world who can’t play it because a lack of education has left them illiterate.
At Bingo Night, we’ll play the game to raise money for the Malala Fund, so that some of those girls might not only play Bingo one day if they want to, but experience the opportunity to open their minds through education — and open our world to all the gifts they have to share.