Finance Update
From Finance Manager Dr. Terri Homer
October’s numbers show that Year to Date (YTD) Actual and Year to Date (YTD) Budget numbers are very close.
Our pledge income remains below budget though partially offset by our other income sources. Please note that we project a lower deficit by year’s end because we are counting on receiving more pledge income as well as special Christmas offerings.
Make Your Pledge
If you prefer to give your pledge gift to the church in a lump sum at the end of the year, please make sure to send it to the church before the end of December.
If you intend to pledge for the year 2023, please fill out a pledge form and put it in the offering plate or mail it to the church soon. Another option is to email me with the information about your intended pledge.
Stay Tuned for Budget Updates
We are in the process of developing the first draft of our budget for 2023 which will be a challenging exercise. We hope that we can make more accurate estimates than we have made in the last two years now that we have opened our church to more outside groups and many more of our congregation members are returning to in-person services. We will do our best to estimate the cost of Supply Clergy and an Interim Rector for 2023 though the exact cost is unknown at this time.
You Can Give by Credit or Debit Card in the Narthex
The Parish Resource Committee has asked that we offer an additional method of giving on Sundays that will utilize an iPad and the service called Square which will accept credit card payments.
In order to properly account for each transaction using the iPad with the Square software, please fill out a card after your iPad transaction with the minimum information of your name, the last 4 digits of your credit card and your email address. You can place the card in the offering plate in the narthex.
You Can Give in Other Ways Too
Please remember that this iPad donation method does not replace other methods of donating to the church, which also include:
- Writing a check or paying in cash – placing your donation in the offering plate or in the mail.
- Using ‘bill pay’, a service that you can set up with your bank which authorizes them to send a check from your account to the church, either one time or on a recurring basis.
- Donating on our website.
Welcome Our New Treasurer
Vestry approved our proposal to contract with an outside firm to provide a professional CFO to act as our Treasurer. Gail Wells (our Sr. Warden), and I have had an initial meeting with our new Treasurer, Lisa Dunn. I will continue to meet with her on a monthly basis for a total of approximately 5 hours per month.