Holy Week During Coronavirus
Dear ones, blessings during this sacred time of Holy Week and Easter. I realize that this will be the strangest Holy Week and Easter that any of us have experienced.
It will not be the same. But as I said a few weeks ago, the church buildings might be closed, but the Church — you and me and millions just like us all over the world — we are still very much open for business! Being Christ’s Body in the world, witnessing to the Love of God in our time and place, celebrating the Resurrection, always!
Flowering of the Cross
One tradition that we all enjoy on Easter, especially the children, is the flowering of the cross.
Since we cannot enjoy this tradition together this year, Ruth will be flowering the cross herself, and it will be placed at the front of the church during the recording of the Easter Morning Prayer service so we can still experience this beautiful display of the Resurrection. Ruth will pray for the children of Good Sam while arranging the flowers.
Do you have flowers in your yard that we can use? If so, Ruth would be happy to collect them. Please cut them and place them six feet from your front door, and Ruth will drive by to pick them up.
Alternatively, you can bring them to the church on Thursday morning, April 9 by 11am. Please leave them on the sidewalk in front of the main entrance. If someone else happens to be there at the same time, please remain in your car until they leave. The church will be locked, and you should not approach the building beyond the sidewalk.
Maundy Thursday
April 9, 2020
On Maundy Thursday, Jesus celebrates the Passover with his closest friends. He washes their feet. He gifts them, and us, the new sacrament of Holy Communion, and gives them a new commandment (mandatum — Maundy), “to love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34).
How to celebrate it
If you live with family, take courage and wash each other’s feet either before or after the service. If you are by yourself, imagine someone who you dislike, disagree with or fear and imagine washing their feet.
Good Friday
April 10, 2020
On Good Friday, Jesus gives it all. He not only gives everything he has, but he takes all that the world can throw at him — pain, torture, humiliation, betrayal all of it. Jesus embraces his passion and in doing so shows that God stands with us, always.
How to celebrate it
After the liturgy, find a quiet space in your home, set a timer for five minutes, and spend that time imagining the scene as Jesus is crucified. Picture yourself there in your mind’s eye. What is God saying to you through these images?
Easter Day
April 12, 2020
Vindication. The truth is out. Love is stronger than hate, fear, power, violence, cruelty, selfishness. Love is stronger than death.
How to celebrate it
Jump up and down for 30 seconds. Say, “Alleluia!” three times really loudly! Call, text, email or face-time someone in your life and tell them how much you love them.