Know Your Vestry Candidates
This year four members will rotate off the vestry, leaving four slots to be filled by election at the Annual General Meeting on February 4th.
So far, seven parishioners have stepped forward to stand for election to Good Sam’s vestry at our Annual General Meeting on Feb. 4.
To be eligible, a candidate must be a pledging member of the parish, at least 18 years old, and a communicant in good standing (defined as having taken Communion at least three times in the past year).
Here are the candidates who have declared so far. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the meeting.
Maureen Jardine
My husband Doug and I joined Good Sam in 1981. After I retired from nursing I served as the volunteer parish nurse, and I was part of the team that created and published two editions of the Good Samaritan Stained Glass Cookbook. I am a lay reader at the 10:30 service and an active member of the Altar Guild and ECW [Episcopal Church Women]. For the past 12 years I’ve also served on the board of Samaritan Village. Starting in 2020 I became my husband’s caregiver until, sadly, he passed away last March. I am interested in serving on the vestry because I would like to build membership in ECW, see more young people and families join our congregation, and increase unity and fellowship between the two Sunday services.
Robert Lovelady
I have been coming to church for a long time. I have served on Good Sam’s vestry in the past, for seven years. I’ve been an usher and also have worked with Buildings and Grounds, repairing and maintaining the church. I also helped with the pancake supper one year. I want to get back on the vestry to see what’s going on, to keep track of things.
Cynthia Rodriguez
After attending Good Samaritan for 19 years, last year I decided to run for vestry because there were contributions that I felt I could make to the oversight of the church. Last year I was elected to the vestry to fill a 1-year vacancy. I would like to stand again this year to serve for a regular 3-year term. Being on vestry during this year of discernment for our next priest has been humbling, engaging, and gratifying. I would like to continue in this role as we welcome our new priest and begin a new chapter for our beloved church.
Evan Sether
I have been attending Good Sam since the spring of 2017, often at the 8 o’clock service. I serve on the Outreach Committee, and I have served on the Profile Committee. I also serve as an acolyte, and I host coffee hour. I have happily served on the Foundation Board of Trustees for 18 months, but I would stand down from that role if elected to Vestry. I have previously served as board member and chair of the Corvallis Downtown Advisory Board and the nonprofit Lane County DUII Victim Impact Panel. I’m standing for election to vestry to offer my experience in financial stewardship and as a representative of young families in our congregation. This year I would like Good Sam to lean into the change in rectors with strength and grace and be inspired by new leadership.
Scott Smith
I have been worshiping at Good Samaritan since a year ago, just before Father Simon left. For the previous six years I attended Saint Timothy parish in Salem, where I ran the funeral receptions. I offer myself to serve as a vestry member as an opportunity to be useful to God in this community. I would wish that we can be even more open to the needs of our neighbors than we already are.
James A. Sterns, Ph.D.
I have attended Good Sam regularly since 2013, first as a 10:30-er, but I’ve been an 8-o’clocker since about 2017. I have served on vestries at two other parishes, All Saints in East Lansing, MI and Holy Trinity in Gainesville, FL. For our parish to thrive, all of us need to contribute in ways that best fit our talents and capabilities. For me, many past personal experiences in collaborative decision-making and leadership service are personal strengths I have to offer. I see the coming year as a wonderful opportunity to welcome our new Rector and work together as we start a new chapter in our parish life.
Jackman Wilson
With my wife, Heather, I began attending the Church of the Good Samaritan in 2017. The following year I retired after a 43-year career in newspaper journalism, mostly as editorial-page editor of The Register-Guard in Eugene. While in Eugene I served on the vestry and as senior warden at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. I hope to assist the vestry at Good Sam during a challenging and exciting time of transition and to deepen my own connection to the church and its congregation.