Listening to Spirit
A Message from Cammie Bella
Dear Good Sam folks,
Simon+, our Vestry, staff, and our various committees have all been faithfully discerning ideas for the future of Good Sam. One of us has suggested a “contemplative prayer time” for anyone interested to intentionally listen for guidance on our presence in this time and place. The original idea was for an on-site gathering, which would begin with prayer focusing on Good Sam and our future together. Then each of us would wander the buildings and grounds, stop or sit somewhere that feels “right.” We would spend some time there, quieting our minds and listening to hear the voice of God, Jesus, Spirit. Then we would gather again at an appointed time to share, what, if anything, we’ve “heard,” if we’re comfortable doing that, closing at the end of the time, again, with prayer and gratitude.
With the resurgence of the Delta variant and the new mandates, it isn’t possible currently to actually meet at the church for this gathering.
The alternative is to set aside a time every week for each of us to spend some contemplative time with this theme of Good Sam’s future. This can be done in the surroundings of our own choice (home, the courtyard, outside in nature, etc.). Once a week, for fifteen minutes or whatever time seems “right” to you. Of course, more times are welcome also.
If you’d like to share what you’ve “heard,” please feel free to email me your input. I could prepare a summary to share with whoever would like to be included. If you wish to be anonymous, I will honor that. If you’d like a time to share with each other, that’s an option also. We could do a Zoom meeting, or share via email.
—Cammie Bella