Musical Groups Return This Month!
Like many things in our church community, our musical ensembles return to life this month after a well-deserved summer break!
Anyone interested in participating is warmly welcomed and encouraged to join a group (below), regardless of prior experience or training. There is a place for everyone in our diverse musical offerings! As always, feel free to contact Zachary with any questions (z.a.duell@gmail.com). Additionally, Zachary will offer individual private lessons at no cost to any folks who wish to have a little training before (or while!) jumping into an ensemble.
If you’re considering joining, reach out and let us know so that we can plan to have materials ready for you!

Adult Choir
Thursday nights 6:30-8:30pm
Bishop Katharine Lounge
Starting September 14
Sunday warmup time 9:45am
Our congregation’s primary vocal choir, open to all people of high-school age or older (no limit!). This group sings at the 10:30 Sung Eucharist mid-September through early June. A full-day retreat, complete with time for bonding and getting to know one another, will be scheduled for early October.
Learn more about this group »

Bell Choir
Monday evenings 7-8:30pm
Starting September 11
Our handbell ensemble utilizes our beautiful Malmark handbell set and chimes, and rings for various worship services throughout the program year. Requiring 11 people to be fully staffed, this group is an excellent option for people who may not have much musical experience. It also tends to be a tight-knit group — there are few better teambuilding exercises than ringing handbells! Individual training is available for newcomers.
Learn more about this group »

Schola Cantorum
Sunday evenings 6:30-8:30pm
Starting September 17
Entering into its second full year, this ensemble sings the service of Sung Compline at Good Sam on Sunday evenings. The Schola Cantorum focuses on various types of chant, including plainchant and Gregorian chant, and is another great option for newcomers to the musical life of our parish. Sung Compline takes place at 8pm October through May. Rehearsals begin at 6:30pm preceding the service, and we are out the door by 8:30pm on most nights. The first rehearsal for this ensemble is Sunday, September 17th at 6:30pm. We will have 3 rehearsals in advance of the first Sung Compline service on October 1st.