How Does Oregon Get to Universal Healthcare?
Save the date! On October 23 at 7pm, there will be a Public Forum at the Corvallis Library to explore the important legislation SB770.
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates (MVHC) are sponsoring the forum, which is designed to help us understand how important this piece of legislation is in our efforts to bring healthcare to everyone. As I hope you recall, this legislation calls for the formation of a Task Force to develop a plan – AND HOW TO PAY FOR IT – which would provide healthcare to everyone residing in Oregon, and to present that plan to the Oregon Legislature in 2021.
Participants in the Town Hall include:
- Senator James I. Manning, the chief sponsor of the bill, who will present information about the bill itself
- Representative Dan Rayfield, who will talk about the process going forward, including the funding mechanism
- Senator Sara Gelser, whose emphasis will be on how this bill cares for our vulnerable populations
- Charles Gallia, a Health Services Research Consultant, who has connections to the Oregon Health Authority
The panelists will make their presentations; then there will be time for questions and answers.
I know you’re thinking, “And she says healthcare isn’t a political issue?!” Of course it is a political issue – that’s how we get things done in this country – but first and foremost, it is a social justice issue. How can we sit by while thousands of our fellow citizens go without healthcare? What would Jesus say?
Please plan to attend and learn how you can help see that it happens: Health Care for All Oregon!