Religion and Immigration
Lessons from the Old Testament and Policy Today
During the first four weeks of October, Good Sam scholars Dr. Sheldon Greaves and Dr. Melissa Bird hosted a four-part seminar on what the Old Testament has to say about immigration and the plight of the foreigners among us.
Dr. Greaves covered different aspects of Old Testament narratives, legislation, and traditional interpretations. Dr. Bird explored the current crisis on our southern border, and possible solutions.
Session One: (03 October): The Bible and Immigration
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Download File: http://goodsamchurch-episcopal.org/wp-content/uploads/Immigration-Seminar-2019-part-1.m4v?_=1Session Two (10 October): The Law of Hospitality to the Stranger
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Download File: http://goodsamchurch-episcopal.org/wp-content/uploads/Immigration-Seminar-2019-part-2.m4v?_=2Session Three (17 October): Immigration as National Narrative
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Download File: http://goodsamchurch-episcopal.org/wp-content/uploads/Immigration-Seminar-2019-part-3.m4v?_=3Session Four (24 October): Legislation Regarding the Foreigner and Resident Alien
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