St. Nicholas Day
A visit from St. Nick, some surprises in your shoes, and a blessing of the stockings for Jackson Street Youth Shelter.
Sunday, December 8
12pm in Simpson Hall
At the Blessing of the Stockings, children and youth will help fill Christmas stockings for the Jackson Street Youth Shelter.
To make sure there are gifts to go around, please choose an item or two, purchase these in advance, and bring them to the church office by Thursday, December 5. (You can also give them to Ruth at church by December 1st.)
1. Sudoku books
2. Blank journals or small drawing pads
3. Word search books
4. Small coloring books for adults
5. Small package sharpies
6. Colored pencils
7. Nice ballpoint or gel pens
8. Gender-neutral slipper socks
9. Small flashlights and batteries
10. Chapstick
11. Gift cards ($10) to McDonald’s or Dutch Bros Coffee
We’ll also decorate our Christmas tree, sing carols, and have hot chocolate and cookies. Kids, make sure to leave your shoes outside the door for a surprise!