Worship services
At Good Sam, we worship the Triune God in a variety of expressions, with and without words. We experience God’s beauty and power in liturgy, music, art, nature, action and silence.
Come for in-person services at 333 NW 35th Street in Corvallis, Oregon (directions here).
Find special services for Lent, Holy Week and Easter
Schedule of Services
Sunday Services
8am Said Eucharist (Chapel)
A quiet service spoken in Elizabethan English (Rite I in the Book of Common Prayer).
9am Coffee Hour (Simpson Hall)
Coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.
10:30am Choral Eucharist (Sanctuary)
A traditional service accompanied by full choirs and organ.
Learn more about our choirs
Explore resources for young families
Drop into Sunday School
11:45am Coffee Hour (Simpson Hall)
Coffee, tea, snacks, conversation, and a fireplace.
7pm Sung Compline (Sanctuary)
A contemplative, candlelit service sung by the Schola Cantorum.
Wednesday Services
10am Scripture Study (Zoom)
A study of next Sunday’s readings.
6:30pm Centering Prayer (Lounge)
Every second Wednesday, a contemplative service.
Retirement Home Services
Samaritan Village
1pm on Wednesdays
Bible Study
10:30am on Thursdays
Morning Prayer (Rite I)
I’m new. What should I know?
As you enter the church, an usher will hand you a leaflet to guide you through the service. Find a seat anywhere you like.
The hymns in the leaflet can be found in the blue hymnal in front of your seat. Hymns with an S in front of their number can be found toward the front of the book.
During the service, people around you may stand, kneel, or bow at different times. Don’t worry about them: just let the worship and community carry you, and do what feels comfortable.
In our church, everyone is welcome to partake of the Eucharist (the bread and wine).
Do you have a prayer request? When you go to the front to receive the bread and wine, look for the people standing to the side, by the windows. They’re there to pray with you.
On your way out after the service, you’ll have a chance to say hello to our clergy. You’re also invited to join for coffee, tea and snacks in the fellowship hall.