All are welcome to join in special services for Lent, Holy Week and Easter.
Welcome to Good Sam,
the Episcopal faith community of Corvallis, Oregon.
We care for neighbors in need, practice radical hospitality, and share with each other on the journey of life and faith.
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This Week at Good Sam
We worship the Triune God in a variety of expressions, with and without words. We experience God’s beauty and power in liturgy, music, art, nature, action and silence.

Video & bulletin updated every Wednesday. To receive the bulletin a day ahead of the service, ask the office to put you on the email list.
Come to Coffee Hour
Gather in Simpson Hall after services for coffee, tea, snacks, conversation and a fireplace.
Sunday Quicklinks
Everyday Meditations

Who is my neighbor?
Good Samaritan isn’t just a name. It’s a principle that goes to the heart of everything we are and strive to be.
Book a wedding or event
We offer affordable packages for courtyard, chapel, and sanctuary weddings and receptions, plus venue space for anniversaries, conferences, classes and more.
The Intertestamental Period Seminar
This open-ended seminar is a weekly gathering of scholars and laypersons, conducting a long-term, in-depth study of the 400-year period “between the Testaments.”
What is the Eucharist?
On Sunday and Wednesday mornings, we share in the Eucharist: a service in two parts.
What are the Creeds?
Every Sunday, we read the Nicene Creed together during services. Doing so, we participate in an ancient practice that unites us with other members of our faith, across history and across the world.
A Course on Human Consciousness
A seminar on human consciousness; what we know, and what we don't.
Designated Offering: United Thank Offering
This March, Good Sam is participating in the United Thank Offering. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Services from Lent through Holy Week
Join in services and special events from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Adult Education Sessions, This Winter & Spring
View all of the topics that the Adult Education committee has in store for you during the second half of this academic year, to enrich your faith and stimulate your mind.
Advent & Christmas Services
View all of the services and special events scheduled throughout the holiday season, in preparation for the advent of Jesus Christ.
Beautiful Columbarium
The columbarium is looking beautiful in its blanket of fallen leaves.
Walk in Love
We are grateful to have been asked to lead our Stewardship Campaign this year and to spend these weeks with intention as we enter a season of giving. Our theme this year is Walk in Love.
Designated Offering: Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers and Community Outreach
To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Walk in Love
A note from Fr. David: "Walk in love. That’s what we are here to do, here at Good Samaritan and here in life. Our congregation is named after a parable ... "
Designated Offering: Episcopal Relief and Development
This month, Good Sam is supporting Episcopal Development and Relief. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Welcoming Our New Director of Children’s Music
Good Sam is excited to welcome our new director of children's music, Mrs. Xi Li.
Adult Education Sessions, This Fall
Drop into the Lounge after services for fascinating classes on a variety of topics, brought to you by the Adult Education committee.
Designated Offering: Linn-Benton Food Share
This month, Good Sam is supporting the Linn-Benton Food Share. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Thanks for Making the Backpack Drive a Success!
The backpacks have been collected: 115 backpacks are ready to help kids prepare for school! Many thanks to all who donated this year.
Designated Offering: Corvallis School Foundation Family Advocacy and Support Program
This month, Good Sam is supporting the Corvallis School Foundation Family Advocacy and Support Program. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Designated Offering: Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV)
This month, Good Sam is supporting the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV). To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line, or donate items to the wishlist.
Samaritan Village News and Views
Read the monthly newsletter from our neighbors at Samaritan Village.
Hymn Series for LGBTQ+ Pride Month
This month at Good Sam, we’re observing Pride Month with a series of hymns and songs that celebrate the love that comes from God and moves through and between all of creation.
Designated Offering: Vina Moses
This month, Good Sam is supporting Vina Moses and FISH. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Designated Offering: Meals on Wheels and Stone Soup
This month, Good Sam is supporting Meals on Wheels. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Designated Offering: Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center
This month, Good Sam is supporting the Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
A Message from Rev. Dan Warren
As we prepare to say goodbye, Rev. Dan Warren pens a note to the Good Sam community. Read his message here.
Corvallis for Refugees
Find out how Good Sam is partnering with this organization to be "neighbors" to our community, and learn how you can help.
Children’s Choir Returns! Register Now
Join in this free opportunity to receive quality music education, learn more about faith and liturgy, and to form friendships with other parish kids.
Designated Offering: Doctors Without Borders
This February, Good Sam is supporting Doctors Without Borders. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Good Sam Has a New Rector
Father Marshall comes to us from St. Dunstan’s parish in Shoreline, WA, where he served for 15 years. Father Marshall’s first Sunday with us will be March 10.
Know Your Vestry Candidates
This year four members will rotate off the vestry, leaving four slots to be filled by election at the Annual General Meeting on February 4th. Get to know them here.
Designated Offering: Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center
This month, Good Sam is supporting the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
A Message from Deacon Ruth Krueger
As we prepare to say goodbye, Deacon Ruth Krueger pens a letter to the Good Sam community. Read her message here.
Designated Offering: Unity Shelter
This month, Good Sam is supporting Unity Shelter. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
It’s Time to Plan Your Giving for 2024
Thank you for letting the church know how you plan to give in the coming year. We rely on this information to develop an accurate, responsible budget in support of our many ministries.
Halloween Party
The Sunday before Halloween, we gathered for our annual Halloween Party. Treats, games, costumes, and (here) a few photos for your amusement.
Indoor Labyrinth Walk
Deepen your spiritual practice by walking the labyrinth indoors, in Simpson Hall, on Friday, November 10.
Festival of Lights Labyrinth Walk
On December 29th, 5-7pm, come to the Good Sam courtyard for a simple, festive celebration of the turning of the year. Dress warm!
Courtyard Labyrinth Walk
Learn to pray with the labyrinth and deepen your spiritual practice on Tuesday, November 7, noon to 1pm. All are welcome.
What Should I Do During Preludes and Postludes?
The question has been raised: what should I do during the prelude and postlude part of the 10:30am Eucharist? Answers (and histories!) here.
Sundays@3 Tricks ‘n’ Treats: An All Hallows’ Eve Organ Concert (and Party!)
Spooky organ music, costumes and treats: is there any better way to start the Sundays@3 concert series? Happening in the Sanctuary on October 29th at 3pm.
ECW Next Potluck Luncheon
Enjoy lunch and conversation on Tuesday, October 10 at 12pm, with guest speaker Bill Becker presenting on items that Subaru is accepting in their countrywide effort to reduce and reuse.
Annual End-of-Summer Barbecue
It was a lovely annual end-of-summer barbecue after the 10:30am Eucharist last Sunday.
World Peace Day
On Thursday, September 21, come to the church courtyard for a brief, contemplative, musical service in honor of World Peace Day.
Everyday Godly Play Pilot Seeks Participants
This fall, EGP will pilot a program providing educational resources for families: monthly subscription boxes, podcasts, videos, and an online hub. Join the pilot!
Music Groups Return This Month!
Our musical ensembles are returning after summer break! Anyone interested in participating is warmly encouraged to join Adult Choir, Bell Choir, or Schola Cantorum. Learn how.
Listening Table
Stop by for a quick interview or arts activity while you enjoy your coffee hour snacks! Beginning May 14th, we are reflecting on our church's next chapter.
Adult Ed Sessions are Back!
Drop into the Lounge for a fascinating lecture following the early or late Sunday service, continuing through June 4th.
Profile Committee Update
The Profile Committee is up and running, and will be inviting you to share your feedback later this spring. Stay tuned!
Gala Organ Dedication Recital and Dinner
Enjoy a free, gala dedication recital of our newly revised and expanded organ on April 16 at 4pm. Dinner to follow (dinner tickets are $25 and must be reserved by April 2nd).
Earthquake in Syria and Turkey
When we look at news reports from the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, our first response is to pray. As Christians, our next reaction is to ask, “How can I help?”
Annual General Meeting
Get the highlights from this year's AGM. From the election of new vestry members to the arrival of our interim rector, big news is afoot.
Mardi Gras Follies
On the Tuesday before Lent, Good Sam celebrates Shrove Tuesday with pancakes and a talent show. We call it The Follies. Get the highlights here.
ECW Valentine’s Potluck Luncheon
This Valentine's, join the ECW at noon in Simpson Hall for convivial conversation and a variety of food to eat. Special guest, Kim Holmes, Development Director for the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation.
In Honor of Father Simon Justice
Gather for a catered lunch after services to celebrate Fr. Simon's ministry at Good Sam and send him to his next call with love, prayers and blessings.
Sundays@3 Lessons & Carols
Watch or re-watch this beautiful annual service of Lessons & Carols. Turn up the volume, and join your church in song!
Corvallis Repertory Singers Concert
The Corvallis Repertory Singers will bring their annual December concert to Good Sam church. Buy a ticket in advance to attend this seasonal program.
Finance Update
A new card-friendly offertory station in the Narthex. An update on the Pledge Drive. A welcome to our new treasurer. Get the news here.
Jackson Street Stocking Stuffers
This Advent, give your support to the young people of Jackson Street Youth Shelter.
Christmas Eve Special Choir
Join a special choir just for Christmas Eve. No commitment required! Just show up and join in the charm and Christmas magic.
ECW Christmas Potluck Luncheon
Everyone is invited to the annual ECW Christmas Potluck Luncheon on December 13, with live music from Zachary Duell and a special message from Simon+.
Upcoming Organ Completion
The pipe organ is nearing completion of its renovation, and the results will sound terrific. Find out what's new here.
Join the Flower Guild
Help flower the church's altars. Bring flowers to people needing encouragement in the community. Find out how to take part.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Join with us for a contemplative workshop on prayer, with snacks.
Confirmation Class
Prepare for Baptism, Confirmation, and Reception into the Episcopal Church in advance of Bishop Diana's visit on October 9th.
Ecumenical Worship in Central Park
Join with other local churches for an outdoor worship service on Labor Day weekend.
Message from Simon+ on Roe v. Wade
Simon+ reflects on the possible overturning of Roe v. Wade.
The Mindset of Greek Orthodox Christianity
Join the Very Reverend Stephen Soot on June 15th, 2022 for a discussion of the mindset of Greek Orthodox Christianity.
Newcomers’ Lunch
Have you joined Good Sam in the last year or so? Please join us for a newcomers' lunch.
Human Spirituality and Personhood through the Lens of Systems Science
Join Peter Schuller on April 20th, 2022 for a discussion of emergent consciousness and how it creates opportunities for richer spirituality.
The Heart of the Warrior: The 8 Elements of Transformational Embodiment
Join Dr. Melissa Bird on May 18th, 2022 as she discusses how to embrace our inner warrior to bring about healing and positive change in ourselves and the world around us.
Updated Health and Safety Guidance from the Diocese
Updated guidance from the Diocese of Oregon includes factors individual congregations can consider as health and safety protocols evolve.
Solidarity with Ukraine
We will fast and pray for the people of Ukraine and for peace. We will take action to help as we can.
Art Wall
Display your work on the Good Sam Art Wall: photos, fiber, art, drawings, paintings, prints and more. Here's how.
Episcopal Traditions Class
Join us for an introduction or refresher on what it means to be an Episcopal Christian.
Domination or Radical Stewardship?
Join Sheldon Greaves on January 19th for an in-depth look at what the book of Genesis has to say about the role of humans on earth.
St. Paul, Women, and Sexuality
Join Craig Massie on February 16th to explore the historical context of Paul's writings on human sexuality, which offer greater nuance and freedom than you might assume.
Give Christmas Altar Poinsettias
Give any amount to the flower fund by December 12, and honor your loved ones with a poinsettia dedication in the Christmas bulletin.
Gratitude for Supporting Hygiene Supply Ministry
Thank you for supporting Canterbury House's Hygiene Supply Ministry. Here's how you can continue to help.
Advent Learning: The Fall, Original Sin and the Mind of God
Our Advent learning series explores two foundational stories from Genesis from the perspectives of both Judaism and Christianity, with Rabbi Maurice Harris providing instruction and opportunities for interfaith dialog.
A Physician Volunteers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
“If I could volunteer as a physician during this medical crisis,” wrote retired anesthesiologist and current Junior Warden Dr. Terri Homer, “I could turn around my fear and instead be part of the medical team that would help us navigate through the pandemic.”
Update on Microshelters
Our microshelter project enjoys broad support from the community and all stakeholders, and may begin construction as soon as six weeks from now.
Blessing of the Animals
In honor of St. Francis, come to the church parking lot on Sunday, October 10th for a blessing for your pets or just yourself.
Listening to Spirit
An open invitation to listen to the Spirit as we discern Good Sam's future together.
Free Books
A former seminarian has donated books to be shared with the Good Sam community. Please stop by and help yourself.
ECW Welcome Hour
Episcopal Church Women will gather on September 14 to socialize safely and plan for the year ahead, with baked goods and beverages provided.
Backpack Drive A Success
We asked, you gave: 74 new backpacks for local students in need.
Four Reasons Why Attending Church Can Improve the Health of Seniors
The benefits of church are not limited to spiritual wellbeing. Read about the correlation between church attendance and improved health in a guest post from Jason Lewis.
Enroll in Education for Ministry (EfM)
EfM can help you discover your gifts for ministry in the places where you live and work, by exploring the Bible in a small group setting. Enroll now!
Welcome Zachary Duell
Organist and choral conductor Zachary Duell is the new Director of Music at Good Sam.
Sundays@3 Frueh Brothers
Kai and Ben Frueh play classical and classical-inspired music for piano and violin. On June 20th, they perform at Good Sam.
The Feast Day of Evelyn Underhill
June 15th marks the Feast Day of Evelyn Underhill, a prominent mystic, writer, and spiritual leader in the first half of the 20th century.
For Good Measure: The Organ Gets Religion
After accompanying the deaths of Christians in the Roman Empire, when did the organ start to enter Christian churches? Learn more in this short article by Dr. Robert M. Thompson.
Message from Simon+ on Earth Day
Simon+ reflects on how people of faith can respond to the damage to humans and the environment caused by overconsumption.
For Good Measure: Rome Burns to the Tunes of Pipe Organs
Was the organ what Nero played while Rome burned? Learn more in this short article by Dr. Robert M. Thompson.
Designated Offering: Malala Fund
This month, Good Sam is supporting the Malala Fund. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Open Thread: Community Bulletin
Comments are open! In this "community bulletin" post, you're invited to share what you are anticipating. Come on in and leave a comment.
For Good Measure: In the Beginning
Learn about the history of the organ with Dr. Robert M. Thompson.
Tiny Homes Presentation
Learn more about tiny homes in Corvallis and how we might be able to help.
For Good Measure: How Worship Music is Chosen
Dr. Robert M. Thompson looks ahead to programming for Black History Month and Women's History Month.
Listening With Presence
Licensed lay preacher Cammie Bella offers a listening ear and heart for all who need it.
Peter Fritsch: The Reality of Evil In Our Times
Peter Fritsch will lead a four-week online course on evil and how to confront it.
Jesus, Anti-Racism and Lent
Join this workshop and presentation for two hours of faith-based social justice work about dismantling racism.
For Good Measure: William Billings, William Selby, and Early American Organs
Dr. Robert M. Thompson introduces human stories and context behind the worship music for January 24th.
A Christmas Message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
"While this is a strange year, the ministry He gives us remains the same... Love God. Love your neighbor."
A Christmas Message from Bishop Michael Hanley
"My prayer for you this Christmas is that you will find God surprising you and delighting you, and that God’s presence will be with you"
Designated Offering: Community Outreach, Inc
This month, Good Sam is supporting Community Outreach, Inc. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Limited In-Person Worship
In-person worship services with Covid precautions resume on Sunday, September 6th, 2020.
What’s On Your Mind? August 2020
Comments are open! In this "community bulletin" post, you're invited to share what's been on your mind. Come on in and leave a comment.
In Honor of Bishop Michael Hanley
Dear People of God, you are cordially invited to celebrate the ministry of Bishop Michael and Marla Hanley!
Biblical Hebrew
Join Sheldon for a short, relatively painless introduction to the Hebrew of the Old Testament by reading the first chapter of Genesis.
Who Should Be Our Next Bishop?
As our Bishop Michael nears retirement, Good Sam has a rare opportunity to shape the future of the Diocese of Oregon. Will you help?
What’s On Your Mind? July 2020
Comments are open! In this "community bulletin" post, you're invited to share what's been on your mind. Come on in and leave a comment.
Virtual Pilgrimage for Racial Justice
Join the Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York for a free webinar on June 23-24 focused on learning about racial justice.
Little Noticings on May First, a Poem by Linda Gelbrich
Enjoy a poem by Linda Gelbrich during coronavirus quarantine. Please reach out to your loved ones during this time of isolation.
Pandemic, a Poem by Lynn Ungar
Enjoy a poem by Lynn Ungar. Stay safe out there. And know that even when the church building is closed, we are still the church.
Letters from Simon+ During COVID
Letters and updates from Simon+, updated as needed. Learn how we can be there for one another during Coronavirus.
Holy Week During Coronavirus
Find out how you can celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, from Palm Sunday through Easter, during social isolation.
Silent Meditation
Tuesday afternoons during Lent, the chapel will be open for Silent Meditation (also known as Contemplative Prayer).
Windows 50
A celebration of the stained glass windows by artist Gabriel Loire on April 4. Free guided tour at 11am; doors open 9:30am-noon.
Movie Night: The Howard Thurman Story
In celebration of Black History Month, the Spiritual Nurture Committee is showing a documentary on Howard Thurman, February 20 at 7pm.
Family Game Day
Join us January 19 for lunch and board games. Bring your favorite tabletop game!
All-may-join Christmas Pageant
Come to Good Sam on Christmas Eve at 5pm for an all-may-join pageant. No lines to learn, just a short, beautiful Christmas service.
Little Book of Comfort and Joy Workshop
Join Linda Gelbrich on January 10 for a workshop to create your own New Year Guidebook. Snacks and supplies provided. Register now!
Cybersecurity for the Confused (i.e., All of Us)
Join Dr. Sheldon Greaves on Sunday, 17 November for some tips on how to protect yourself in the Brave New World of Cyberspace.
Religion and Immigration: Lessons from the Old Testament and Policy Today
Good Sam scholars Dr. Sheldon Greaves and Dr. Melissa Bird hosted a four-part seminar on what the Old Testament has to say about immigration and the plight of the foreigners among us.
St Nicholas Day
St Nicholas Day is December 8! Help us prepare by bringing a gift for Jackson Street Youth Shelter by December 5.
Sundays@3 Dr. Anton Belov
Dr. Belov is critically aclaimed in opera, oratorio, and concert repertoire. On November 11, he performs at Good Sam.
Stir-up Sunday
One week before Advent, Good Sam celebrates Stir-up Sunday. Get ready for the Christmas season with snacks, crafts and wreath-making.
How is Our Music Program Funded?
What financial structures keep our music program going strong, and how can you support the various aspects of this program?
Oregon Health Care for All: How Do We Get There?
Save the date! On October 23 at 7pm, there will be a Public Forum at the Corvallis Library on the important legislation SB770.
Ice Cream Social
Join us for the start of a new season for our Outreach and Social Justice committee, and support the ERD hurricane relief effort.
Socks That Rock
Like this church's namesake, Socks that Rock seeks to address urgent needs while treating those we serve as worthy and cherished.
Spiritual Direction: Is It for You?
Join licensed lay preacher Cammie Bella for a session on Spiritual Direction: what it is, what it isn't, and whether it's right for you.
The Art of Soul Friendship
What does it mean to have a soul friend? Join Cammie Bella, licensed lay preacher, to explore the art of soul friendship.
Youth Summer Retreat
The youth of Good Sam are invited to a summer retreat at Suttle Lake this July. Register now!
Let's explore the treasure trove that is the Hymnal 1982. Here's what you can expect to find between the covers of the book.
Organ Dedication Highlights
Highlights from our Organ Dedication concert, celebrating the renovation of our organ, held on May 5th, 2019.
Hike and Picnic at Finley
This June, we're headed to Finley Wildlife Refuge for a picnic lunch and all-comers hike.
Sundays@3 Black Swan Classic Jazz Band
Join us on June 2nd for a show by this hot dance band, dedicated to Dixieland, old-time gospel, early jazz and ragtime.
Sundays@3 Pipe Organ Celebration
A concert celebrating the renovation of our organ, a neoclassical instrument built by Casavant Freres in 1962, on May 5th.
Corvallis Together
Join us in Corvallis Central Park (across from the library) on Sunday, March 24 at 3pm to unite against actions of hate and violence.
Sundays@3 Nic Temple
Back by popular demand from his home in Ashland, Nic Temple presents a program of classical piano on March 10.
Sundays@3 Naeim Rahmani
Join us on February 17 for a performance by guitarist Naim Rahmani, who teaches at Bellevue College and performs nationally.
First Sunday (Potluck) Lunch
The first-ever First Sunday (Potluck) Lunch was a success! Thanks to all who contributed. We look forward to seeing this continue.
The Revolt of the Widows
This seminar will explore the women featured in stories from the Christian Apocrypha.
Sundays@3 Con Grazia Wind Quintet
On January 20, enjoy a peformance of diverse modern music brought to you by the Portland Con Grazia Wind Quintet.
Youth Movie Night
Calling middle and high school youth to join us on Friday the 14th for a screening of the Nightmare Before Christmas (snacks provided!).
Christmas Gift Drives
Can you join in our Christmas Gift Drives? Our gifts will go to children and families in Corvallis who need a helping hand.
Holy Land Pilgrimage
Join us in the fall of 2019 for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Learn more now, and reserve your place for this life-changing opportunity!
Designated Offering: Housing First
This month, Good Sam is supporting Housing First. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Julian of Norwich
This session on the English mystic will explore Julian's role in Anglican spirituality and her significant theological insights.
Sundays@3 Robyn Carmichael
On November 18, Robyn Carmichael brings “extraordinary poetry” and a “lush, thrilling and intensely personal” performance.
Samaritan Village Christmas Fair
Save the date for the Samaritan Village Christmas Fair! Join us November 16-17 for crafts, baked goods, Christmas items and more.
The English Reformation
This fall, we're studying the English Reformation through the lens of the four most influential Tudor Monarchs on Thursday evenings.
Men’s Shelter Needs Your Help
The men's cold weather shelter needs help, and Good Sam is providing volunteers from November 11-17. Can you be there?
Harvest of Art
Support local artists and crafters, and get your Christmas shopping done at the same time. Join us on November 11.
Designated Offering: Kids In Need of Defense (KIND)
This month, Good Sam is supporting Kids In Need of Defense (KIND). To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
All Souls Eucharist
Join us for a special All Souls Eucharist on October 30 at 7pm in memory, celebration and prayer for departed loved ones.
Children’s Storytime with Cali Je
Join us Saturday, October 13 at 10:30am for Children's Storytime with Cali Je, and help us support Kids in Need of Defense.
Sundays@3 Orgel Kids
On October 28, the Orgel Kids demonstrate how to assemble a pipe organ ... then have it duel with our Casavant.
Designated Offering: Healthcare for All Oregon
This month, Good Sam is supporting the Healthcare for All (Oregon). To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
The Flight of the Monarch
Join us for the Flight of the Monarch, a Latin American cultural celebration and fundraiser for important nonprofit services.
Aging Summit
We're co-hosting a summit to help older adults and their families deal with aging issues. Free admission. Register now.
Criminal Justice Sabbath
This weekend, we invite you to join us alongside faith communities throughout Oregon in remembering our criminal justice system in prayer.
Family Bingo Night Benefit
Join us for Family Bingo Night, and support the Malala Fund in helping to make sure that every girl can learn and lead without fear.
Summer Gift Drives
Can you bring any of these items for our Summer Gift Drives? Our gifts will go to vulnerable people in our community.
Peek Inside the Organ
Take a peek inside our organ and learn about the repairs currently in process. Thanks so much for supporting this project!
June Gratitudes
Your gifts make a difference. Here are a few notes of thanks that we've received recently from our community.
Strawberry Shortcake Benefit
June is strawberry time in Oregon, and you're invited to Good Sam this Sunday for some DELICIOUS strawberry shortcake.
Annual Graduates’ Luncheon
Good Sam extends a warm invitation to graduates and parents to our annual Graduates' Luncheon. Join us on June 10th at 12:15pm.
Campout at Beverly Beach
This June, we're headed to Beverly Beach State Park for some fun, sand, sun and campfire. Spots are limited, so reserve your place!
Christian Apocrypha
A fascinating seminar on the many “lost Christianities” that left behind a large corpus of surprising, quirky, inscrutable, and delightful texts.
Spirituality Day
A day of workshops presented by the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) on spirituality, contemplation and ministry. Get tickets!
Fanning the Flames
A workshop by Dr. Melissa Bird on advocacy and empowerment, to cultivate wild, delicious change in our lives and communities.
Walking with Grace
This series explores the nature of grace and how we may walk in it, responding to whatever and whomever shows up in our lives.
Youth Weekend at St Thomas
The youth of Good Sam are invited to a weekend of games, gardening, crafts and activities at St Thomas Episcopal in Eugene, May 4-6.
Lost in Translation
A three-part seminar on the structure, history and relationships of the languages of the Bible. Join us!
Noah and the Flood
On April 18th, the Guerrilla Scholars present a reader's theatre program on the Medieval Cycle Play of Noah and the Flood.
Cursillo Weekends
Cursillo is a three-day weekend retreat that launches an ongoing process of enriching and deepening your faith.
Faith in Practice in Guatamala
Cynthia Rodriguez is headed to Guatamala for a mission trip this June. You can help by donating toward medicines and patient care.
Easter Basket Drive
Can you bring any of these items for our Easter Basket drive? Our gifts will go to children in high-risk families.
Youth Trip to Fort Defiance
The youth of Good Sam are invited to a mission trip to Fort Defiance, AZ, and the Navajo Nation. Register by March 23.
Lenten Learning
In this series, we explore two important spiritual practices: Silent Meditation and Lectio Divina.
Sundays@3 Eugene Cascade Chorus
This Sunday's concert featured the Eugene Cascade Chorus.
Tzedakah Series
Join us for a five-part seminar examining what the Hebrew tradition of Tzedakah is saying to our communities about action and charity in light of current policy issues.
Raising Awareness
Join us for a sampling of food from Myanmar. We're raising awareness of the plight of the Rohingya people, refugees from Myanmar.
Youth Trip to Hoodoo
The Corvallis Youth Collective is going tubing in Hoodoo (if there's enough snow) on Friday, February 2nd from 7am to 4pm.
Recent Action
Some examples of recent action taken by our Outreach and Social Justice team.
Spotlight: Father Simon
Father Simon was born in the Midlands of England in 1966. After living in Germany for four years his family settled in the southeast of England, where he attended school and more importantly, came to faith at St. John’s Church, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.
The Intertestamental Period Seminar
This open-ended seminar is a weekly gathering of scholars and laypersons, conducting a long-term, in-depth study of the 400-year period “between the Testaments.”
What is the Eucharist?
On Sunday and Wednesday mornings, we share in the Eucharist: a service in two parts.
What are the Creeds?
Every Sunday, we read the Nicene Creed together during services. Doing so, we participate in an ancient practice that unites us with other members of our faith, across history and across the world.
A Course on Human Consciousness
A seminar on human consciousness; what we know, and what we don't.
Designated Offering: United Thank Offering
This March, Good Sam is participating in the United Thank Offering. To join in, make your check to the church with "designated offering" in the memo line.
Services from Lent through Holy Week
Join in services and special events from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Adult Education Sessions, This Winter & Spring
View all of the topics that the Adult Education committee has in store for you during the second half of this academic year, to enrich your faith and stimulate your mind.
Advent & Christmas Services
View all of the services and special events scheduled throughout the holiday season, in preparation for the advent of Jesus Christ.